Thursday, January 15, 2009

Trèfle Farmland by Kokka

I've been SO well-behaved lately about my quilting budget. I haven't bought any fabric in months. Truly. And I'm all about using what I have this year. Really. But then I saw Feed Dog's Best Fabrics of 2008 over at True Up and now I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with Kokka's Trèfle Farmland. I want it in every colorway. Above it's in bright, after the jump you can see it in pink, dark, and blue, along with a list of online stores that carry one or more of these gorgeous fabrics!

Reprodepot carries all four: blue, bright, dark, and pink.
Purl has it in blue.
JCaroline Creative has it in pink and blue.

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Anonymous said...

OMG I love them! I love them all.

lisamarie said...

I saw your comment over on True Up and... a quilt inspired by the Darjeeling Limited!?!?!! That sounds so cool, can't wait to see it! What a great idea.